Vijay Saraf’s Poetry Book Released ‘Ahsaas Se Pare’ , a book of collection of Hindi poems by Prof. Vijay Saraf Meenaghi was released yesterday in a grand function organized by Dogri Sanstha, jammu in Abhinav theatre. The book is unique in many respects. It is a tastefully and artistically designed , large sized voluminous book of 743 pages containing 183 Hindi poems along with their translation in 6 languages, i.e. Dogri, Punjabi, Sanskrit, English, Urdu and Nastalik (Kashmiri) in addition to transcription in original scripts of Dogri & Kashmiri, i.e. in Dogre Akkhar and Sharda. Further, accompanying each poem is a sketch or painting (in black & white) by the author himself, who is also a renowned and veteran artiste of National & international repute. The translation in 6 languages has been rendered by senior scholars of respective languages, namely S.N.Pandit, R.L.Betab, Mohan Singh, Sham Lal Raina, Dr. Baljit Singh Raina and Shuja Sultan. An audio-visual presentation of musical compositions of the poems of the author was also made, in which Sonali Dogra, Dr. Navin and Vanshika have lent their voices and music has been composed by Brij Mohan and arranged by Kuldeep Sapru.

In addition to the above, the other highlight of the function was honouring of the translators by the leading writers of all languages, i.e. Chanchal Dogra (President, Hindi Sahitya Mandal), Dr. Manojit ( President, Punjabi Lekhak Sabha), Dr. Roshan Saraf ( President, Samprati) and Prof. Shohab Malik (President, RJMLS).
Dr. Rattan Lal Shant and Sh. Jogendra Chhatrapal read papers on the content of the book. The function was presided over by Prof. Lalit Magotra, President of Dogri Sanstha. Both the learned paper readers highlighted the merit and special features of the poetry and were of the unanimous opinion that this monumental work of Vijay Saraf is a significant contribution to the Hindi literature emanating from this part of the country.

Prof. Lalit Magotra, while making his presidential remarks said that the release of this book is a momentous event in the history of literature of this region. Elaborating his statement, he said that there are many ‘firsts’, associated with the book. For the first time, the translation in 6 languages along with original poems has been published in the same book. For the first time, two of the old scripts of J & K State i.e. Dogre Akkhar and Sharda have been given place in one book. Illustrations accompanying the poems, is another attractive feature of this aesthetically designed book. The get-up, design and other features of this book can match technically with any of the best publication in the world. He said, more than the technical and design aspects of the book, poems of Prof. Saraf have a soul stirring freshness and unique lyrical qualities, which set these apart from the bulk of literature which is available. He said that the book is the fruit of 30 years of hard work and intense contemplation by the author. All-round high quality of book bears testimony to the same.
Earlier Prof. Saraf recited some of his poems which were immensely liked by the audience which comprised writers of all languages, prominent citizens and artists of J&K. The program was conducted by veteran Dogri and Hindi poet Dr. Nirmal Vinod, who is also the General Secretary of Dogri Sanstha, Jammu. At the conclusion of the program, Prof. Veena Gupta , Vice President of Dogri Sanstha thanked the audience, all other concerned and media.